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NOS Podcast Broadcasted On Principe Actif Radio
Incomplete Tracklist
Public Tracklist
Added By Blastfast
25/11/2022 - 17:11:25
Viewed 243 Times
Unknown Side/Part
01 - ??:??:?? - Intro
02 - ??:??:?? - Radium - Drowned Dead In The Bathroom Part I - PKG 04
03 - 00:03:00 - ??? Hard-tek tune?
04 - 00:07:30 - ??? Hard-tek tune?
05 - ??:??:?? - DX13 ‎- Electro Comp - IS020
06 - 00:14:00 - ??? Hard-tek tune? Heard it but...?
07 - 00:17:00 - ??? Drum & Bass?
08 - ??:??:?? - DKP - Sans Modération - DKP 04
09 - ??:??:?? - The Invisible S.P. & The Jackal - Pirate Base - STORMCORE 666
10 - 00:27:00 - ??? Hard-tek tune?
11 - 00:31:00 - ??? Hard-tek tune? Wanted in a few mixes? 'Some girls' sampled from old Ska tune can't remember the artist for now?
12 - 00:34:00 - ???
13 - ??:??:?? - Le Chat Noir - Hp Vicious - AQUABON? 001
14 - 00:39:30 - ??? 'ils ne savent jamais quand (...) tirez une balle dans la nuque' sounds like SP23 or David Green & Myke & Hern - Base Bug, but isn't?
15 - ??:??:?? - SpeedyQ's vs L.Condo - Al Tatone - EPK 002
16 - 00:47:45 - ??? Hard-tek tune? Heard it but...?
17 - 00:51:00 - ??? Well known French tune?
18 - ??:??:?? - A.F.X. Dub - Yin Yang OK - CTRV 001
19 - 00:58:00 - ??? Hard-tek tune?
20 - ??:??:?? - Armaguet Nad - 1stnewpc21 - GMC 02
21 - ??:??:?? - Art Is Anal - Borneo Core - GMC 03
22 - ??:??:?? - Ingler - Silidron - epth013
23 - ??:??:?? - Micropoint - Anti Nazi Vendetta (Part 1) - DER-006
24 - ??:??:?? - Joshua + Karyane - Cobalt 27 - pth014
25 - ??:??:?? - SpeedyQ's - Jour De Soleil - STORMCORE 666
26 - ??:??:?? - Micropoint - Auto Flagelation - pth014
27 - ??:??:?? - Outro
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