hey marco!
i have a few ideas how you could improve the site..
- when browsing recent edits or recent comments, would be cool if one could see (if logged in) which you already looked in, for example by making the unseen with bold letters, the already seen with normal letters (like in some email provider's sites).
- also would help to have small signs at the side of the tracklists (when viewing as above), which indicates in which one has already been active (comment or edit). that makes it easier to find TLs again. at the moment there have been so many new additions, i don't remember where i looked in or posted sth. ;)
- link artists, so you can click on the artist and see all sets of him. also ANV as on discogs would be possible, like DJ Randy = Randy etc.
- when browsing tracklists and you jump to a letter, then click on a set, then jump back, at the moment you get back to letter A. would be cool if you would get directly to the same letter you had been at before!
- when looking at my profile, would be cool to be able to sort the tracklists i've been active in (and not only comment, also edit!) by date (last active first)!
- include on user statistics not only comments but also edits.. this is not sooo important, but for me for example, i often edit directly, without posting a comment, but that doesn't appear anywhere afterwards :/ ^^
ok that's it for now i think
i have a few ideas how you could improve the site..
- when browsing recent edits or recent comments, would be cool if one could see (if logged in) which you already looked in, for example by making the unseen with bold letters, the already seen with normal letters (like in some email provider's sites).
- also would help to have small signs at the side of the tracklists (when viewing as above), which indicates in which one has already been active (comment or edit). that makes it easier to find TLs again. at the moment there have been so many new additions, i don't remember where i looked in or posted sth. ;)
- link artists, so you can click on the artist and see all sets of him. also ANV as on discogs would be possible, like DJ Randy = Randy etc.
- when browsing tracklists and you jump to a letter, then click on a set, then jump back, at the moment you get back to letter A. would be cool if you would get directly to the same letter you had been at before!
- when looking at my profile, would be cool to be able to sort the tracklists i've been active in (and not only comment, also edit!) by date (last active first)!
- include on user statistics not only comments but also edits.. this is not sooo important, but for me for example, i often edit directly, without posting a comment, but that doesn't appear anywhere afterwards :/ ^^
ok that's it for now i think
All ideas are nice man, but really: in this time I don't have time. Work, girlfriend and music production get all my life right now.
I'll see if I can do somethings in the future, but I can't promise nothing, I'm so sorry
I'll see if I can do somethings in the future, but I can't promise nothing, I'm so sorry
ok don't worry. not essentially necessary. just would be a nice upgrade and would let some things be less annoying ^^
but i'm curious bout your music production! can you send me some work in progress stuff?
but i'm curious bout your music production! can you send me some work in progress stuff?
I'll when I got somethings complete. For now tons of experiment, knowing how to tweak instruments ;)
just wanted to suggest something but i just saw i already did ^^
would be really helpful if we could sort the tracklists we've been active in (comment AND edit) by date of last activity. that shouldn't be too complicated to program i imagine!?
the tracklists already get sorted by date - either comments or edits - and then u have a list of tracklists for each user, where he was active in. so it should be just a checksum of both scripts or? ^_^
because i often forget in which TL was some track or so, that i now found or that i need to remember sth else.. but i can't browse every single TL for that.. so if u find some time marco, would be really cool =)
would be really helpful if we could sort the tracklists we've been active in (comment AND edit) by date of last activity. that shouldn't be too complicated to program i imagine!?
the tracklists already get sorted by date - either comments or edits - and then u have a list of tracklists for each user, where he was active in. so it should be just a checksum of both scripts or? ^_^
because i often forget in which TL was some track or so, that i now found or that i need to remember sth else.. but i can't browse every single TL for that.. so if u find some time marco, would be really cool =)
Message Edited on 07/09/2014 - 02:56:28 by S-KR8
I don't think I will put my hands on the website anymore. This is all you can got, these are all the features you have.
Sorry, update and manage a website require hours and money. Nowdays I can't. Again, sorry guys, don't hate!
Sorry, update and manage a website require hours and money. Nowdays I can't. Again, sorry guys, don't hate!
Message Edited on 08/09/2014 - 12:41:27 by djfonplaz
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