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Gabber / Hardcore
Ron D Core vs Lenny Dee
Live At Operation 2
Incomplete Tracklist
Public Tracklist
Added By djfonplaz
22/01/2010 - 18:36:57
Viewed 1669 Times
Side A
01 - 00:00:00 - Ec8or - I Don't Wanna Be A Part Of This
02 - 00:??:?? - Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - The Bird (Original Mix)
03 - 00:??:?? - Nasenbluten - Cut Her To Bits
04 - 00:??:?? - Material Arts - Fleisch
05 - 00:??:?? - Zoundbasdardz - Strike Out
06 - 00:??:?? - Phönki - Angry
07 - 00:??:?? - Men In Black - Say Goodbye
08 - 00:??:?? - Disciples Of Belial - Mutilation
09 - 00:??:?? - Ec8or - Think About
10 - 00:??:?? - Combat Shock - Untitled
11 - 00:??:?? - Jackhammer - Machine Age
12 - 00:??:?? - Rage Reset - Relax
13 - 00:32:20 - ??? (32:20) "fuck you"
Side B
14 - 00:00:00 - Rotterdam Terror Corps - We Are Mortal
15 - 00:??:?? - Neophyte Vs Stunned Guys - Work That Body
16 - 00:??:?? - Urban Menace - The Wrong Nigga To Fuck With
17 - 00:??:?? - Hard Creation - Bust This Beat
18 - 00:??:?? - Goliath - Rock To The Rhythm - Chronic Records
19 - 00:??:?? - Dj Dave - Music In Motion
20 - 00:11:00 - ??? (11:00)
21 - 00:??:?? - Zelator - Hell Is Coming
22 - 00:??:?? - Technological Terror Crew - The Ripper
23 - 00:??:?? - Micropoint - E-Man
24 - 00:??:?? - The Destroyer - Distorted Terror
Side C
25 - 00:00:00 - Industrial Terror Squad - Unbelievable
26 - 00:??:?? - The Destroyer - Street Fuckers
27 - 00:??:?? - Industrial Terror Squad - Shut Em Down
28 - 00:??:?? - The Destroyer - Brbrbrob Gee Suck My Beat!
29 - 00:??:?? - Dj Freak - Behold The Dreamer
30 - 00:??:?? - The Destroyer - Arcade X-Perience (4 Levels Of Hardcore)
31 - 00:??:?? - Dj Freak - Family
32 - 00:??:?? - Tieum - C.C.A.M.C.
33 - 00:??:?? - Dj Freak - Save Your Prayers
34 - 00:??:?? - Dr. Z-Vago - The Bat Device
35 - 00:??:?? - Gladiators - T.O.F.
36 - 00:27:20 - ??? (27:20)
37 - 00:??:?? - Dj Psycangle - Awaken
38 - 00:??:?? - Sheer Taft - Cascades (Hypnotone Mix)
39 - 00:??:?? - Clash Of The Titans - Full Metal Hell
Side D
40 - 00:00:00 - Ron D Core - Theme From Funky Shit Happens
41 - 00:??:?? - U.V.C. - Half Dead
42 - 00:??:?? - Sonic Overkill - I'll Be Watching You Die
43 - 00:??:?? - U.V.C. - Death Is...
44 - 00:??:?? - Carl Cox - Let The Bass Kick
45 - 00:10:32 - Violator - Amok
46 - 00:12:04 - Chemical Brothers - Chemical Beats
47 - 00:13:09 - Violator - Amok
48 - 00:??:?? - Sonic Overkill - Satanas
49 - 00:??:?? - TR - Onyx
50 - 00:19:00 - ??? (19:00)
51 - 00:??:?? - The Destroyer - Brbrbrob Gee Suck My Beat!
52 - 00:23:10 - ??? (23:10)
53 - 00:??:?? - Dj Freak - Never Been To Brooklyn
54 - 00:??:?? - Outlaw - X-Terror
55 - 00:31:40 - ??? (31:40)
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